
What should I bring for my adventure?/沖縄のシーカヤック、青の洞窟、スタンドアップパドルで自然体験ツアー

What should I bring for my adventure?

The only things you need to bring with you for our adventures are swimwear and a towel.
We will provide all the equipment you will need for kayaking or snorkeling, such as wetsuits, fins and masks. We will ask for your height, weight and shoe size when you make your reservation. Please let us know the sizes for all participants.

所在地: 〒904-0416 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村山田3088-1 マリブビーチ内
電話(代表): 098-982-5605
モバイル直通: 090-5921-6324
2011 - 2024 © アルガイド沖縄(アルワゴンジャパン合同会社)
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