
Can children participate in the adventures?/沖縄のシーカヤック、青の洞窟、スタンドアップパドルで自然体験ツアー

Can children participate in the adventures?

Yes, children can participate in our adventures. However, as safety is always our priority, we will make final decisions according to sea conditions on each individual adventure. Children must be over 1 year old and should be able to walk in order to take part in sea kayaking adventures. In addition, if your children want to snorkel, their height should be over 100 centimeters. Please contact us in advance if you have children who would like to participate in your adventure.

所在地: 〒904-0416 沖縄県国頭郡恩納村山田3088-1 マリブビーチ内
電話(代表): 098-982-5605
モバイル直通: 090-5921-6324
2011 - 2024 © アルガイド沖縄(アルワゴンジャパン合同会社)
ML Design